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Video of Hunner's lesion at cystoscopy with hydrodistension

This section is under construction. 
Our purpose is to provide more clinical information on the patients and explanation of the videos.

Patient 9
Woman 40-years old.
Several months urgency, frequency and chronic pelvic pain.
Previous multiple antibiotic therapy did not help.
Urinary cytology was negative.
Office cystoscopy revealed severe circumscribed inflammatory changes of bladder mucosa resembling CIS 

TUR of visible mucosal changes was done
Histological examination did not confirm CIS
Symptoms slowly have gradually recurred
Urine microbiology was negative
Cystoscopy – new hyperemic areas
Urodynamic – non neurogenic hypersensitive detrusor
BPS/IC was suspect 
6 intravesical instillations of Sodium Chondroitin Sulfate Solution without not remarkable improvement 

video: Andrei Zaitcev

Patient 10
Woman 40 years old.
Since 2 years treated sometimes with antibiotics for recurrent “cystitis”
Discomfort and chronic pelvic pain related to the urinary bladder
“This pain runs sudden through my body and I standstill”
Persistent urge to void and urinary frequency (25-30 voids per 24 hours)
Pelvic ultrasound examination does not confirm endometriosis
Laparoscopy was delayed by gynecologists (“put by for a rainy day”) 

video: Andrei Zaitcev

Patient 11
Hunner's lesion.

video: Andrei Zaitcev

Patient 12
Hunner's lesion.

video: Andrei Zaitcev

Patient 13

Hunner's lesion.

video: Andrei Zaitcev

Patient 14

Hunner's lesion.

video: Andrei Zaitcev

Patient 15
Hunner's lesion.

video: Andrei Zaitcev

Patient 16

Hunner's lesion.

video: Andrei Zaitcev

Patient 17
Hunner's lesion.

video: Andrei Zaitcev

Patient 18
Hunner's lesion.

video: Andrei Zaitcev

Patient 19
Hunner's lesion at office cystoscopy (left)
Hunner's lesion after hydrodistension (right)  

video: Andrei Zaitcev

Patient 20
Hunner's lesion at office cystoscopy (left)
Hunner's lesion after hydrodistension (right)  

video: Andrei Zaitcev

Patient 21
Hunner's lesion at office cystoscopy (above)
Hunner's lesion after hydrodistension and continuation (below)

Patient 22
Hunner's lesion.

video: Andrei Zaitcev

Patient 23
Hunner's lesion at office cystoscopy (left)
continuation (right) 

video: Andrei Zaitcev

Patient 24
Hunner's lesion.

video: Andrei Zaitcev

Patient 25

Hunner's lesion.

video: Andrei Zaitcev

Patient 27
Hunner's lesion.

video: Andrei Zaitcev

Patient 28
Hunner's lesion.

video: Andrei Zaitcev



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