28 November 2024
ESSIC members are invited to join the AGM of the Association which will be held in virtual modality on 29th December 2024 at 03:00 (CET) on first call and at 15.00 (CET) on second call.
The meeting will last 1 hour.
In accordance with the ESSIC Bylaws, only members in good standing with their annual ESSIC subscription have the right to attend and vote.
We therefore remind you to enter the ESSIC member area to renew your membership in advance and/or to contact the ESSIC Office for assistance in renewing your annual subscription.
The direct link to access the virtual AGM will be sent to all full members a few days before the AGM.
Update on ESSIC Initiatives
Annual Balance Approval
Executive Committee and Board renewal - 2025-2027
18th December 2020
We are pleased to announce the new Executive Committee and Board of ESSIC 2021-2024:
Executive Committee
Mauro Cervigni - President
Jean Jacques Wyndaele - Past President and Treasurer
Robert Moldwin- Vice President
Philip Hanno
Choo Myung-Soo
Anna Padoa
Claus Riedl
Rajesh Taneja
Tomohiro Ueda
Andrew Zaitcev
16th November 2020
ESSIC regular members are invited to join the General Assembly of the Association which will be held in virtual modality on 17th December 2020 at 08:00 (CET) on first call and at 16.00 (CET) on second call.
As per ESSIC bylaws, only paying members (regular members) will have the right to attend and to vote. We remind our members to visit their personal area to renew their membership in advance and/or to contact the ESSIC Office for any help in renewing the annual fee.
The direct link to access to virtual AGM has been sent to all regular members.
Looking forward to welcoming you at the AGM.
Kind Regards
The ESSIC Executive Committee
Executive Committee and ESSIC Board Renewal
Balance Approval
31st October 2019
ESSIC regular members are invited to join the General Assembly of the Association which will be taking place on 6th Dec, from 17.30 to 18.30 at Double Tree Hilton Hotel, Amsterdam. The General Assembly will be held in the main Room of the ESSIC 2019 Annual Congress.
As per ESSIC bylaws, only paying members (regular members) will have the right to vote. We remind our members to visit their personal area to renew their membership in advance and/or to contact the ESSIC Office for any help in renewing the annual fee.
Looking forward to welcoming you in Amsterdam
Kind Regards
The ESSIC Executive Committee
Report from ESSIC President
- Membership
- Finances
- Website
- Future Projects
Report from ESSIC Committees Chairs