Confusable versus associated diseases
The words "confusable disease" and "associated disease" are always used in connection with another disease, in our situation in connection with BPS.
For BPS, a confusable disease is a disease which may show similar symptoms and/or signs to those of BPS. In general, such a confusable disease needs to be excluded as the main cause of the symptoms and/or signs before a diagnosis of BPS can be made. In practice, the situation may be more complex as the presence of a confusable disease does not necessarily exclude the presence of BPS as well. If both a confusable disease and BPS are present, it is clear that for individual diagnoses of patients and for epidemiological studies, the presence of a confusable disease should not exclude a diagnosis of BPS. For many scientific studies, on the other hand, e.g. for studies on the effect of a particular treatment, only patients with BPS without an additional confusable disease should be accepted as the confusable disease may severely interfere with outcome parameters of such a study.
BPS has several associated diseases. Associated diseases are diseases with a higher prevalence among patients with BPS than in the general population. This does not necessarily imply a causal relationship between BPS and the associated disease. The practical consequence of associated diseases is that medical professionals should know these associations and should have a high index of suspicion for the associated diseases.
BPS-associated diseases
Interstitial cystitis and systemic autoimmune diseases.
van de Merwe JP. Nat Clin Pract Urol 2007;4:484-91
• a review
The Fibromyalgia Bladder Index.
Brand K, Littlejohn G, Kristjanson L, et al. Clin Rheumatol. 2007 May 3; [Epub ahead of print]
• the aim of this study was to determine whether the Interstitial Cystitis Symptom and Problem Index (ICSI/ICPI), is a valid, reliable, and clinically relevant instrument to assess the sensory urinary symptoms in women with fibromyalgia syndrome (FM)
• factor analysis displayed two separate components of symptom and problem combinations as distinct from the original ICSI/ICPI developed for the interstitial cystitis population
• the eight items of the index configured differently and formed two subscales of a newly developed Fibromyalgia Bladder Index
• the two subscales of this index include the Bladder Urgency and Pain Subscale and the Bladder Frequency and Nocturia Subscale.
Association of schizophrenia and autoimmune diseases: linkage of danish national registers.
Eaton WW, Byrne M, Ewald H, et al. Am J Psychiatry 2006;163:521-8
Overlapping conditions among patients with chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, and temporomandibular disorder.
Aaron LA, Burke MM, Buchwald D. Arch Intern Med 2000;160:221-7
Effect of Comestibles on Symptoms of Interstitial Cystitis.
Shorter B, Lesser M, Moldwin RM, Kushner L. J Urol 2007 May 10; [Epub ahead of print]
• patients with painful bladder syndrome/interstitial cystitis 90.2% indicated that the consumption of certain foods or beverages caused symptom exacerbation
• there was no correlation between allergies and the effect of comestibles on symptoms
• the most frequently reported and most bothersome comestibles were coffee, tea, soda, alcoholic beverages, citrus fruits and juices, artificial sweeteners and hot pepper
Is interstitial cystitis an allergic disorder?: A case of interstitial cystitis treated successfully with anti-IgE.
Lee J, Doggweiler-Wiygul R, Kim S, et al. Int J Urol 2006;13:631-4
Case of interstitial cystitis accompanied by food allergy. (article in Japanese)
Ogawa H, Nakamura Y, Tokinaga K, et al. Arerugi 2005;54:641-5
Intercurrent autoimmune conditions in classic and non-ulcer interstitial cystitis.
Peeker R, Ataniu L, Logadottir Y. Scand J Urol Nephrol 2003;37:60-3
Systemic aspects of interstitial cystitis, immunology and linkage with autoimmune disorders.
Van de Merwe JP, Yamada T, Sakamoto Y. Int J Urol 2003;10 Suppl:S35-8
Significance of complications of allergic diseases in young patients with interstitial cystitis.
Yamada T. Int J Urol 2003;10 Suppl:S56-8
Comorbid clinical conditions in chronic fatigue: a co-twin control study.
Aaron LA, Herrell R, Ashton S, et al. J Gen Intern Med 2001;16:24-31
Alternate occurrence of allergic disease and an unusual form of interstitial cystitis.
Yamada T, Murayama T, Mita H, et al. Int J Urol 1998;5:329-35; discussion 335-6
Interstitial cystitis: unexplained associations with other chronic disease and pain syndromes.
Alagiri M, Chottiner S, Ratner V, et al. Urology 1997;49(5A Suppl):52-7
Interstitial cystitis and silk allergy.
Hollander DH. Med Hypotheses 1994;43:155-6
Painful bladder disease: clinical and pathoanatomical differences in 115 patients.
Holm-Bentzen M, Jacobsen F, Nerstrom B, et al. J Urol 1987;138:500-2
Relationship between allergy and irritable bowel syndrome
Atopic irritable bowel syndrome: a novel subgroup of irritable bowel syndrome with allergic manifestations.
Tobin MC, Moparty B, Farhadi A et al. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol 2008;100:49-53
• the likelihood of IBS was significantly higher in patients with seasonal allergic rhinitis (2.67times), allergic eczema (3.85 times) and with depression (2.56 times)
Interstitial cystitis and systemic autoimmune diseases.
van de Merwe JP. Nat Clin Pract Urol 2007;4:484-91
• a review
Intercurrent autoimmune conditions in classic and non-ulcer interstitial cystitis.
Peeker R, Atanasiu L, Logadottir Y. Scand J Urol Nephrol 2003;37:60-3
• inflammatory bowel disease was not diagnosed in any of the patients with non-ulcer IC (n=93) whereas 2.3% of the patients with classic IC (n=129) had either ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease, approximately 33 times the prevalence seen in the general population
Interstitial cystitis: unexplained associations with other chronic disease and pain syndromes.
Alagiri M, Chottiner S, Ratner V, et al. Urology 1997;49(5A Suppl):52-7
A systematic review on the effectiveness of treatment with antidepressants in fibromyalgia syndrome.
Uçeyler N, Häuser W, Sommer C. Arthritis Rheum 2008;59:1279-98
• in this systematic review it is concluded that amitriptyline (25-50 mg/day) reduced pain, fatigue, and depressiveness in patients with fibromyalgia and improved sleep and quality of life
• most SSRIs and the SNRIs duloxetine and milnacipran are probably also effective
• the authors recommend short-term treatment of patients with fibromyalgia using amitriptyline or another of the antidepressants that were effective in randomized-controlled trials but warn that data on long-term efficacy are lacking
The Fibromyalgia Bladder Index.
Brand K, Littlejohn G, Kristjanson L, et al. Clin Rheumatol 2007;26:2097-103
• the aim of this study was to determine whether the Interstitial Cystitis Symptom and Problem Index (ICSI/ICPI), is a valid, reliable, and clinically relevant instrument to assess the sensory urinary symptoms in women with fibromyalgia syndrome (FM)
• factor analysis displayed two separate components of symptom and problem combinations as distinct from the original ICSI/ICPI developed for the interstitial cystitis population
• the eight items of the index configured differently and formed two subscales of a newly developed Fibromyalgia Bladder Index
• the two subscales of this index include the Bladder Urgency and Pain Subscale and the Bladder Frequency and Nocturia Subscale.
Biology and therapy of fibromyalgia. New therapies in fibromyalgia.
Arnold LM. Arthritis Res Ther 2006;8:212 [Epub ahead of print]
• a review of new therapies in fibromyalgia
Predictors of symptom severity in patients with chronic prostatitis and interstitial cystitis.
Clemens JQ, Brown SO, Kozloff L, Calhoun EA. J Urol 2006;175:963-7
Pharmacologic treatment of fibromyalgia.
Barkhuizen A. Curr Pain Headache Rep 2001;5:351-8
A review of the evidence for overlap among unexplained clinical conditions.
Aaron LA, Buchwald D. Ann Intern Med 2001;134:868-81
Interstitial cystitis: unexplained associations with other chronic disease and pain syndromes.
Alagiri M, Chottiner S, Ratner V, et al. Urology 1997;49(5A Suppl):52-7
The relationship between fibromyalgia and interstitial cystitis.
Clauw DJ, Schmidt M, Radulovic D, et al. Psychiatr Res 1997;31:125-31
Interstitial cystitis and systemic autoimmune diseases.
van de Merwe JP. Nat Clin Pract Urol 2007;4:484-91
• a review
Intercurrent autoimmune conditions in classic and non-ulcer interstitial cystitis.
Peeker R, Atanasiu L, Logadottir Y. Scand J Urol Nephrol 2003;37:60-3
• inflammatory bowel disease was not diagnosed in any of the patients with non-ulcer IC (n=93) whereas 2.3% of the patients with classic IC (n=129) had either ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease, approximately 33 times the prevalence seen in the general population
Interstitial cystitis: unexplained associations with other chronic disease and pain syndromes.
Alagiri M, Chottiner S, Ratner V, et al. Urology 1997;49(5A Suppl):52-7
Atopic irritable bowel syndrome: a novel subgroup of irritable bowel syndrome with allergic manifestations.
Tobin MC, Moparty B, Farhadi A et al. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol 2008;100:49-53
• the likelihood of IBS was significantly higher in patients with seasonal allergic rhinitis (2.67times), allergic eczema (3.85 times) and with depression (2.56 times)
Interstitial cystitis and systemic autoimmune diseases.
van de Merwe JP. Nat Clin Pract Urol 2007;4:484-91
• a review
Lower urinary tract symptoms in female patients with rheumatoid arthritis.
Lee KL, Chen MY, Yeh JH, et al. Scand J Rheumatol 2006;35:96-101
• patients with RA were found to have similar urinary complaints when compared to controls; however, those with secondary SS had a greater severity of lower urinary tract symptoms, a finding similar to that observed in patients with primary SS
Intercurrent autoimmune conditions in classic and non-ulcer interstitial cystitis.
Peeker R, Atanasiu L, Logadottir Y. Scand J Urol Nephrol 2003;37:60-3
Interstitial cystitis: a rare manifestation of primary Sjögren's syndrome, successfully treated with low dose cyclosporine.
Emmungil H, Kalfa M, Zihni FY, et al. Rheumatol Int. 2011 Jan 22. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 21258795 -
Interstitial cystitis and systemic autoimmune diseases.
van de Merwe JP. Nat Clin Pract Urol 2007;4:484-91
• a review -
Lower urinary tract symptoms in female patients with rheumatoid arthritis.
Lee KL, Chen MY, Yeh JH, et al. Scand J Rheumatol 2006;35:96-101
• patients with RA were found to have similar urinary complaints when compared to controls; however, those with secondary SS had a greater severity of lower urinary tract symptoms, a finding similar to that observed in patients with primary SS -
Association of schizophrenia and autoimmune diseases: linkage of danish national registers.
Eaton WW, Byrne M, Ewald H, et al. Am J Psychiatry 2006;163:521-8 -
Refractory case of Interstitial Cystitis associated with Sjögren's syndrome: Beneficial effect of steroids in treatment
James N.V.M., Bheri M.M., Taube M. Scottish Medical Journal 2006;51:3
• the authors report a case of severe IC associated with Sjogren's syndrome in whom bladder symptoms responded to a course of steroids where other conventional management did not help
• the authors believe that a high index of suspicion for the association of these two diseases would help treat some of the refractory cases of IC with a trial of corticosteroids -
A case of interstitial cystitis accompanying Sjögren’s syndrome.
Fukaya E, Watanabe H , Kobayashi H, et al. Mod Rheumatol 2005;15:73–6
• a case report
Is there an ethnic difference in the prevalence of lupus cystitis? A report of six cases.
Chen MY, Lee KL, Hsu PN, et al. Lupus 2004;13:263-9
• the authors have found a high prevalence of antibodies to SS-A in lupus cystitis patients
• webmaster's comment: many SLE patients with anti-SS-A have also "secondary" Sjögren's syndrome
Severe interstitial cystitis associated with Sjögren's syndrome.
Shibata S, Ubara Y, Sawa N, et al. Intern Med 2004;43:248-52
Interstitial cystitis and Sjögren's syndrome.
Sugai S. Intern Med. 2004;43:174-6
• comment on the paper by Shibata et al. in the same issue
[Physiopathologic relationship between interstitial cystitis and rheumatic, autoimmune, and chronic inflammatory diseases] [article in Spanish]
Lorenzo Gomez MF, Gomez Castro S. Arch Esp Urol 2004;57:25-34 -
Systemic aspects of interstitial cystitis, immunology and linkage with autoimmune disorders.
van de Merwe JP, Yamada T, Sakamoto Y. Int J Urol 2003;10 Suppl:S35-8
• report of Workshop 9 Systemic aspects of IC, immunology, linkage with autoimmune disorders of the ICICJ (International Consultation on Interstitial Cystitis Japan, Kyoto 2003) -
Sjögren's syndrome in patients with interstitial cystitis. Preliminary results in 100 patients.
van de Merwe JP. Int J Urol 2003;10 Suppl:S69
• abstract of the presentation at the ICICJ (International Consultation on Interstitial Cystitis Japan, Kyoto 2003) -
Interstitial cystitis-like urinary symptoms among patients with Sjögren's syndrome: a population-based study in Finland.
Leppilahti M, Tammela TL, Huhtala H, et al. Am J Med 2003;115:62-5 -
Intercurrent autoimmune conditions in classic and non-ulcer interstitial cystitis.
Peeker R, Atanasiu L, Logadottir Y. Scand J Urol Nephrol 2003;37:60-3 -
[A case of Sjögren syndrome accompanied by interstitial cystitis and interstitial pneumonia improved by suplatast tosilate and prednisolone] [article in Japanese]
Nagaoka M, Tamaoki J, Gotoh S, et al. Arerugi 2003;52:450-3 -
Prevalence of symptoms related to interstitial cystitis in women: a population based study in Finland.
Leppilahti M, Tammela TL, Huhtala H, et al. J Urol 2002;168:139-43 -
[Unusual complication of primary Gougerot-Sjögren syndrome: interstitial cystitis] [article in French]Fauchais AL, Hatron PY, Michon Pasturel U, et al. Rev Med Interne 2001;22:405-7
Interstitial cystitis: a review of immunological aspects of the aetiology and pathogenesis, with a hypothesis.
van de Merwe JP, Arendsen HJ. BJU Int 2000;85:995-9 -
Lower urinary tract symptoms in patients with Sjögren's syndrome and systemic lupus erythematosus.
Haarala M, Alanen A, Hietarinta M, Kiilholma P. Int Urogynecol J Pelvic Floor Dysfunct 2000;11:84-6 -
[Interstitial cystitis in case of primary Sjögren's syndrome] [article in Japanese]
Higuchi M, Migita T, Yoshizawa S, et al. Ryumachi 1998;38:34-8 -
HTLV-I-associated myelopathy associated with multi-organ inflammatory disease: a case report.
Furuya T, Nakamura T, Goto H, et al. J Neurol Sci 1998;157:109-12 -
Sjögren's syndrome, keratoconjunctivitis sicca and focal lymphocytic sialoadenitis in patients with interstitial cystitis.
van de Merwe JP, Kamerling R, Arendsen HJ, et al. In: Sjögren's Syndrome - State of the Art, Ed Homma M, Sugai S, Tojo et al., Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium, Tokyo, Japan, August 11-13, 1993. Kugler Publ. Amsterdam/New York 1994, pp 347-9 -
Sjögren's syndrome in patients with interstitial cystitis.
[Het syndroom van Sjögren bij patiënten met interstitiële cystitis] [article in Dutch]
van de Merwe JP, Kamerling R, Arendsen HJ, et al. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 1994;138:1065-9 -
Sjögren's syndrome in patients with interstitial cystitis.
van de Merwe JP, Kamerling R, Arendsen HJ, et al. J Rheumatol 1993;20:962-6
Systemic lupus erythematosus (including lupus cystitis)
General information on systemic lupus erythematosus
Systemic lupus erythematosus.
Rahman A, Isenberg DA. N Engl J Med 2008;358:929-39
• a great review on genetic and epidemiologic factors, autoantibodies, tissue damage by autoantibodies, the role of T cells, source of the autoantigens, cytokines and implications for treatment
Relationship between BPS and SLE
Interstitial cystitis and systemic lupus erythematosus in a 20-year old woman.
do Socorro Teixeira Moreira Almeida M, Carvalho LL, Carvalho AG, et al. J Rheumatol Int 2008 Aug 12. (Epub ahead of print] PMID: 18696074
• a case report of a 20-year-old woman with systemic lupus erythematosus; she presented with dysuria, urinary frequency and suprapubic pain and was found to have a interstitial cystitis
Interstitial cystitis and systemic autoimmune diseases.
van de Merwe JP. Nat Clin Pract Urol 2007;4:484-91
• a review
A case report of childhood systemic lupus erythematosus complicated with lupus cystitis.
Kurosawa R, Miyamae T, Imagawa T, et al. Nihon Rinsho Meneki Gakkai Kaishi 2006;29:154-9
• case report from Yokohama concerning a 13 year old girl with SLE complicated with lupus cystitis and successfully treated with IVCY-pulse therapy and maintenance prednisolone and azathioprin
A case of lupus cystitis with a history of idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura.
Haranaka M, Kumagi M, Hino I, et al. Mod Rheumatol 2004;14:61-5
Voiding dysfunction in women with systemic lupus erythematosus.
Yu HJ, Lee WC, Lee KL, et al. Arthritis Rheum 2004;50:166-72
Is there an ethnic difference in the prevalence of lupus cystitis? A report of six cases.
Chen MY, Lee KL, Hsu PN, et al. Lupus 2004;13:263-9
• the authors have found a high prevalence of antibodies to SS-A in lupus cystitis patients
• webmaster's comment: many SLE patients with anti-SS-A have also "secondary" Sjögren's syndrome
Intercurrent autoimmune conditions in classic and non-ulcer interstitial cystitis.
Peeker R, Atanasiu L, Logadottir Y. Scand J Urol Nephrol 2003;37:60-3
Lupus cystitis on Ga-67 scans.
Lin WY, Lan JL, Wang SJ. Clin Nucl Med 2000;25:737
• a 46-year-old woman with systemic lupus erythematosus had hematuria, fever, and proteinuria. She was transferred to the nuclear medicine department for evaluation of the disease activity of lupus nephritis. A Ga-67 scan showed increased radioactivity in both kidneys. Active nephritis was suggested. Furthermore, increased Ga-67 uptake in the wall of the urinary bladder was also noted. Lupus cystitis was indicated. A bladder biopsy confirmed the diagnosis.
Lower urinary tract symptoms in patients with Sjogren's syndrome and systemic lupus erythematosus.
Haarala M, Alanen A, Hietarinta M, Kiilholma P. Int Urogynecol J Pelvic Floor Dysfunct 2000;11:84-6
Interstitial cystitis: unexplained associations with other chronic disease and pain syndromes.
Alagiri M, Chottiner S, Ratner V, et al. Urology 1997;49(5A Suppl):52-7
Systemic lupus erythematosus relapse with lupus cystitis
Nakauchi Y, Suehiro T, Tahara K, et al. Clin Exp Rheumatol 1995;13:645-8
• a case report
Bowel perforation and interstitial cystitis in childhood systemic lupus erythematosus.
Eberhard A, Shore A, Silverman E, Laxer R. J Rheumatol 1991;18:746-7
Involvement of the urinary bladder in systemic lupus erythematosus. A pathologic study.
Alarcon-Segovia D, Abud-Mendoza C, Reyes-Gutierrez E, et al. J Rheumatol 1984;11:208-10
• urinary bladder histologic changes were found in 16 of 35 necropsies from systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) patients; these included interstitial cystitis (n = 11), hemorrhage (n = 9), congestion (n = 7), vasculitis (n = 5), and perivenular infiltrate (n = 4)
Chronic interstitial cystitis as an initial major manifestation of systemic lupus erythematosus.
de la Serna AR, Alarcon-Segovia D. J Rheumatol 1981;8:808-10
Similarity of interstitial cystitis to lupus erythematosus.
Fister GM. J Urol 1938;40:37-51
Interstitial cystitis and systemic autoimmune diseases.
van de Merwe JP. Nat Clin Pract Urol 2007;4:484-91
• a review
Intercurrent autoimmune conditions in classic and non-ulcer interstitial cystitis.
Peeker R, Atanasiu L, Logadottir Y. Scand J Urol Nephrol 2003;37:60-3
• inflammatory bowel disease was not diagnosed in any of the patients with non-ulcer IC (n=93) whereas 2.3% of the patients with classic IC (n=129) had either ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease, approximately 33 times the prevalence seen in the general population
Interstitial cystitis: unexplained associations with other chronic disease and pain syndromes.
Alagiri M, Chottiner S, Ratner V, et al. Urology 1997;49(5A Suppl):52-7
Vulvodynia. Definition, diagnosis and treatment.
Petersen CD, Lundvall L, Kristensen E, et al. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 2008;87:893-901
• this article describes the terminology and definition of the condition, theories on patho-physiological mechanisms underlying the disorder, methods of diagnosis and evidence and recommendations on clinical management
Insight into Urogynecologic Features of Women with Interstitial Cystitis/Painful Bladder Syndrome.
Gardella B, Porru D, Ferdeghini F et al. Eur Urol 2008 Feb 6 [Epub ahead of print]
- in this study vulvodynia was found in 85.1% of IC/PBS patients and in 6.4% of control patients
Treatment of vulvodynia with tricyclic antidepressants: efficacy and associated factors.
Reed BD, Caron AM, Gorenflo DW, Haefner HK. J Low Genit Tract Dis 2006;10:245-51
• women with vulvodynia who were prescribed a tricyclic antidepressant in general (or amitriptyline, specifically) were more likely to have pain improvement compared with those women not taking these medications at follow-up
• randomized, controlled studies of tricyclic antidepressants versus other treatments are needed to clarify the overall effectiveness of these drugs
Reliability and validity of self-reported symptoms for predicting vulvodynia.
Reed BD, Haefner HK, Harlow SD, et al. Obstet Gynecol 2006;108:906-13
• the authors conclude that excellent reliability and validity of survey responses for predicting vulvodynia were demonstrated
Vulvodynia: a state-of-the-art consensus on definitions, diagnosis and management.
Bachmann GA, Rosen R, Pinn VW, et al. J Reprod Med 2006;51:447-56
Vulvodynia: diagnosis and management.
Reed BD. Am Fam Physician 2006;73:1231-8
Management of vulvar pain.
Fischer G. Dermatol Ther 2004;17:134-49 -
Interstitial cystitis and associated disorders
by Joop P van de Merwe, M.D. -
Interstitial cystitis and gastrointestinal disorders
by Joop P van de Merwe, M.D.